Common Name: Jungle Val, Eelgrass, Tape Grass
Scientific Name: Vallisneria Americana
For beginners? In my experience, yes, jungle Val is a very undemanding plant
Size: In the wild, up to six feet tall! In aquariums this plant will easily reach the top of the tank
Tank size: This plant will easily outgrow smaller tanks, so it is suggested a tank size of at least 20 gallons
Care: This plant will do good with extra root tabs and fertilizer, as it feeds off the water column and from its roots, however it grows so rapidly that this is not required. I keep mine in tanks with neutral ph, 78 degrees. If you keep them with other fish, then it will not require carbon dioxide injections as the plant is already a very quick growing plant.
Propogation: Jungle Val grows from runners that will take root in your aquarium.Conclusion: Jungle Vallisneria is a wonderful background plant for large planted tank and look amazing with fish like neon tetras. If you give it a big enough tank, it can grow massive!
I removed links, realized right after I did it!