I think they’re super cool lol. (I’m biased because I have a pair)
they are in appearance basically wild colored betta splendens, but with more a spade tail. They can shift colors from a brown to more of a mottled dark brown and light brown. They are typically mottled when they are stressed, and because they’re shy, stressed can mean they saw a human, so now they’re worried.
They are mouthbrooders, rather than bubblenesters. The male will carry the eggs in his mouth until they hatch. I’ve only seen my pair spawn once, and the male ended up swallowing the eggs, but it’s alright, I’m planning on trying for successful spawns once I get home. They are rather flexible with parameters, so I’ve found, but like Indian Almond leaves. I was able to get them to eat flake food, but mine also love mosquito larvae, if I can find some.