Tank size: 5(for small and baby salamanders)-20(for large and adult salamanders) gallon minimum.
Substrate: 3-8 inches of moist coco fiber.
Lighting: 6-10 hours of daily light. Direct unlight or LED lighting is best.
Decorations: Smoot drift wood, rocks, and reptile hides.
Supplement: Complete amphibian vitamin and mineral supplement free choice in a dish.
Heating: Although not necessary, I like to offer my salamander a small heating pad against the tank so he has a warmer spot to go if the wishes.
Diet: Mealworms, roaches, waxworms, butterworms, isopods, worms, and slugs.
Lid: Your enclosure must have a screen lid. Salamanders are EXCELENT escape artist and can get out of about anything- even climb the glass sides and fit through small cracks.
Water: Offer a shallow water dish with a sea sponge in it so the salamander can easily baith and drink without getting trapped.
Handing: Please never handle your salamander, they are toxic and have very fragile skin.
Feeding: Feed with tweezers or drop food into the tank. Only feed food no fatter then the space between the salamanders eyes.