Housing: I recommend a flight cage. The bigger the better so the little birds will be able to strech out their wings and fly around. So, the bigger the length and the small the height will work well.
Light: Canaries love sun-bathing so placing them near a window is a big hit!
Toys: Canaries are not known to shred toys like crazy like parrots are prone to do, but adding a couple toys that canaries will be able the shred easily will prevent them from feather-plucking.
Housing Them Together: A male and female canary can be housed easily, and you can get more singing out of the male because I wants to impress his girlfriend. It also keeps the birds from being depressed. But absolutely under no condition are male canaries able to be housed together during breeding season. This will lead to fighting and serious injuries, or even death.
Diet: Canaries love apples, lettuce, cooked through egg yolk, and their normal seed diet. You can also try to feed them carrots, broccoli, or even grapes. Research it and you will have a huge varied diet for your canary!
Breeding: Keep a male and female bird in the same cage. You will be able to observe the male singing for the female, and soon you will see him feeding her. Order some plastic canary eggs. I will explain how to use them later. After that they will mate. When you observe all these happenings, add in a nest. The female will then lay her eggs. When you find the first egg, take it out gently and replace with a plastic egg. when you find another egg, replace that with another plastic egg. Turn over the real eggs once daily to prevent the yolk getting stuck to the sides. Keep doing so until the last egg is layed. Sometimes the female lays 6 eggs.
The babies will hatch within 2 weeks. Feed the parents egg food, and the rest of their diet, and the parents will feed the young.
How to Tell Sex: The young males will start singing within 6 months. Females won't.
Thank you for reading. :)
This is VERY informative. I have pinned.