Housing: I recommend 1 snail per 5 gallons. Maybe you can fit 2 but you would need to keep the tank clean.
Also, use a lid as the snails are escape artists!
Decorations: My mystery snails did best in a live-planted tank with rocks, and drift wood.
Lighting: I used a LED light, and thats what others have used. The lighting in my tank had been 6-10 hours.
Substrate: I used gravel. My mystery snails hated sand
Food: My mystery snails were never a fan of algae. That's why I got nerite snails (LOL). But my mystery snails really enjoyed blanched lettuce and cucumbers, cory catfish pellets, leftover food from fish, etc.
Temp: They do well in a large temp range. Recommended is 67F-80F (Thanks @NearMeBettas ).
Breeding: Keep the water level low, about 1 1/2 inches lower then the black rim. If they don't like how low the water is already, lower it a bit more. Use a tight-fitting lid and keep the water temps around 78 degrees to provide humidity. After the mystery snails lay the eggs, move the egg clutch into a container (That is, if you don't want the other fish the eat the snabies) with a damp paper towel on the bottom of the container. Then put the top on and let the container float in the tank to provide the humidity that is needed. The eggs will hatch within 2-3 weeks. Once they have begun hatching, move them into a breeder box. Then feed them.
Color: They come in a variety of purples, blacks, browns, and golds.
Well done, I will pin this.